Wills and Trusts Attorney Near Me

wills and trusts attorney near me

Wills and Trusts Attorney Near Me

Wills and trusts are a legal document you need to have prepared. A lawyer can help you draft them so that they are legally valid and express your wishes clearly. They can also help you avoid legal complications. These documents are often difficult to draft yourself, but wills and trusts attorneys can help.

Estate planning

Estate planning involves determining your assets, retirement needs, and gifts to beneficiaries. It is important to consult an estate planning attorney in order to establish a plan that will ensure your assets are distributed as you wish. You should also consider any titled assets, such as accounts that have designated beneficiaries. For instance, if you die with a life insurance policy, it will go to the beneficiary’s name. This way, you can avoid probate and avoid paying out creditors. By planning your estate, you are able to ensure that your loved ones will have the money they need and will not face financial hardship.

Revocable living trusts

Revocable living trusts are a great way to avoid the expensive and time-consuming probate process. Not only do they avoid probate, but they can help you manage the estate more efficiently. These trusts also can help delay the distribution of your assets to your grandchildren until they are adults. In addition, you can avoid probate and avoid leaving your estate to your adult children by establishing a revocable living trust.

Pour over will

A pour-over will is a testamentary device by which the writer of a will creates a trust and decrees that the trust’s Trustee is entitled to distribute the property of the writer’s estate upon his death. A Pour-Over Will may be useful in estate planning.

Estate taxes

You can get assistance with estate planning from a local attorney. This professional can draft a will or update a current estate plan. Estate plans should be reviewed every three to five years. Life changes, such as a divorce or birth or adoption of a child, can affect how your estate is divided. In addition, tax laws may change over time.


Whether you are drafting a will for yourself or need to hire an attorney, you should understand that each state has different laws on estate planning. Los Angeles Probate Attorney Although many states share laws, you should still consult with an attorney licensed to practice law in the state where you live or own property.

Place to find a lawyer

A wills and trusts attorney can help you plan a smooth transition for your family when you die. They help you set up a trust, distribute your assets and protect your assets from creditors. In addition to wills and trusts, these attorneys can also help you with powers of attorney and closely held business structures.

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